Sunday, September 7, 2014

Old Santee Canal Fine Arts Exhibition

We just got in from the reception for the 24th annual Old Santee Canal Fine Arts Exhibition, hosted by the Berkeley Artist Guild.  The exhibit was beautifully hung in the welcome center for the park.  I was delighted and honored to be awarded Best in Show for Kitchen Aria.  I'm grateful to the organizers and the sponsors of the show for their hard work and dedication to showcasing artists, and so impressed by the artworks and the talent they reveal.  It was also a great opportunity to talk with so many interesting and very kind people.  A lovely evening.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Piccolo Spoleto Exhibit

Kitchen Aria has been selected for the Annual Piccolo Spoleto Juried Exhibition at Charleston's City Gallery at Waterfront Park, and will be on display from May 23 through June 8, 2014.  It's one of only 16 paintings chosen by juror Linda Fantuzzo.  (I'm chuffed.)

We went to the opening on Friday evening--what a crush!  Lots of people and food and drink--like nothing in my experience of wine-and-cheesers.  Even Mayor Riley was there!  The exhibit was formerly coordinated by the Charleston Artist Guild and took place at the Visitor's Center, but has come under the city's Office of Cultural Affairs this year, with an upgrade in both space and amenities.  City Gallery is a wonderful space for art and will also be hosting several concerts during the festival.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

ArtFields 2014

Off to Lake City again on Thursday to deliver Kitchen Aria, which has been accepted into this year's ArtFields, April 25th through May 4th.

Kitchen Aria (2013), 24"x28", oil on linen

The painting will be hanging at Tobacco Row restaurant, 127 Sauls St., Lake City, SC.  I plan to do a demo at the restaurant on May 2nd, a portrait drawing (maybe pastel), and be available to answer questions and get whatever kind of feedback happens by.  Chris has agreed to be my model and we'll be there for at least an hour starting at 1 PM.